So far we have formed a small group and are currently looking for 2 more members to make a full group, the idea we initially have is to create and old fashioned style horror movie similar to ones like Godzilla and experiment with the different element of it, and perhapes make it more uncomfortable for the viewer to watch by using experimental techniques than a normal horror.
List of initial ideas
B- Movie Low budget scifi horror
Set in the 50’s
Black and white
2D animation/Stop motion/pixilation
Filmed on Lomokino camera
Some kind of monster terrorising civilians
Creature from the sea
Godzilla like creature
Science experiment gone wrong
Frankenstein like creature
Something adapted by nuclear waste
Todorov’s Narrative Theory
1 EQUILIBRIUM- happy start to the story
2 DISRUPTION- A problem disrupts the happiness at the start
3 REALISATION- everyone realises what the disruption was, and sees its chaos
4 RESTORES ORDER- The characters attempt to repair the damage
sometimes double twist
5 EQUILIBRIUM AGAIN- the problem is resolved and everyone is happy again.
Propp’s Character Theory
The villain (struggles against the hero)
The donor (prepares the hero or gives the hero some magical object)
The (magical) helper (helps the hero in the quest)
The princess (person the hero marries, often sought for during the narrative)
The false hero (perceived as good character in beginning but emerges as evil)
The dispatcher (character who makes the lack known and sends the hero off)
The hero [AKA victim/seeker/paladin/winner, reacts to the donor, weds the princess
Built up old 50’s America, possibly areas like San Francisco or New York City, because of the large body of water and iconic structures. (San Fran Bridge and NYC Statue of Liberty.)
First seen in Hitchcock’s Vertigo, it is commonly used in B-Movies, for example Jaws. A shot that zooms forwards on the subject while zooming out at the same time.
Dutch Tilt
A shot where the camera is tilted on its side, as can be seen in Bride of Frankenstein, in the beginning of the laboratory scene
High Angle Shot
Particularly useful in the damsel in distress scenes- see Hitchcock’s Shadow of a doubt
PoV shot
A way to see through the killers eyes. See Halloween
Films to research
The Cabinet of Doctor Caligari- for product design ideas (also German exp)
Mars Attacks!
Godzilla- original
King Kong- original
Goosebumps The Movie - for a modern comparison
Frankenstein- 1931
Bride of Frankenstein
Shadow of a doubt
Halloween 1978