Tuesday, 16 February 2016

Aug(De)Mented Reality

When discussing ideas with the group this animator came to mind. The style of his animation is an abstract way of using the cel technique. This was a technique created by Earl Hurd who was an animator at Bray Productions, which is one of the very first animation companies in America. The technique was simply animating on clear film so the backgrounds would not have to be redrawn with each frame. Here we can see how this animator has used that technique, however, he has applied it to real life backgrounds. This adds another element to the piece as he also uses pixilation so he can move the objects in the background.

The reason this piece inspired me the most was because of how he uses uninteresting settings, such as industrial bins or a library, and by using animation makes them more exciting. I feel this is really similar to the idea of adding animation into live action from a child's point of view, and also opens up the prospect of a new animation technique that we may be able to try out

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